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An 8-week course introducing students to linear perspective systems; students will explore a variety of basic and complex laws to convey the illusion of dimensional forms in space
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Depict your art realistically

Depict your art realistically
In this class students will learn 1, 2 and 3 point perspective systems building upon existing knowledge, from either the Fundamentals of Perspective course or otherwise. The goal is to get a working knowledge to design a space and then be able to draw various accurate views of it. Understanding that will give the artist a natural sense for perspective and be able to touch on subjects like visual narrative and point of view. By the end of the class, students should be able scale a character properly in space and to intelligently position a camera or point of view of their choosing inside a designed world. *Note: This class can be taken digitally or traditionally, but it is strongly suggested to take it digitally since all demonstrations will be done in Photoshop using a tablet.
Registration Now Open
Registration Period
Oct 09, 2024 - Jan 29, 2025
Course Start
Jan 24, 2025

Course Format


Skills Level

Beginner - Intermediate


8 weeks


Once a week


Individual recordings

Lecture Type

Due each week. Expect to spend 8-10 hrs/wk viewing lectures, Q&A, and time on assignments.
Basic drawing skills
Photoshop and Wacom tablet or equivalent strongly preferred; if the class is taken using traditional media, please see syllabus for materials list

The more you know, the better.

Why use 1 point perspective | Finding the eye level | Drawing in 1 point | Placing characters in space | Bisecting forms | Analyzing perspective in photos | Photo study demo
Drawing ellipses | Drawing a grid | Photoshop scaling tricks | Design tips | Using reference and thumbnailing | Background design demo
Why use 2 point perspective? | Exploring the cone of vision | Drawing in 2 point perspective | Ellipses in 2 point | Working from storyboard panels | Background design demo from storyboard
Drawing slopes (auxiliary vanishing points) | Constructing stairs | Moving characters on a slope | Drawing reflective surfaces | Background design demo
When to use 3 point perspective | Drawing in 3 point | Moving characters in 3 point | Drawing ellipses in 3 point | Background design demo
Simplifying complex shapes | Characters as simple shapes | Using style to simplify plants | My plant drawing techniques | Background design demo
Why add tone? | Projecting shadows | Designing your lighting | Tonal techniques | Value comps | Adding tone to a background demo
Breaking down style line weight approaches | Line quality | Style background design demo | Emulating camera moves | Drawing a fisheye lens effect | Horizontal pan background design


Even though our courses are the most affordable for the quality of education, these finance options allow you to focus on your goals instead of the barriers that keep you from reaching them.

3x Payments


2x Payments


Full payment


Oct 09, 2024 - Jan 27, 2025
COURSE BEGINS on Jan 24, 2025

What makes this learning experience unique?


Receive personalized feedback on all assignments from the industry’s top professionals.


Enjoy lifetime access to the spectrum of course content, including lectures, live Q&As, and feedback sessions.


Show off your Certification of Completion when you turn in 80% of course assignments.


Learn anywhere, anytime, and at your own pace with flexible, online course scheduling.


The feedback I received was super helpful, but also positive so even after a rough assignment, I left the critique feeling inspired, and ready to improve the next assignment. I learned more than I expected to, and while the limit 8 weeks means things are fast paced, I have plenty of tools to continue to practice with.


Pat Marconett is a cool guy and I really enjoyed learning from him! I personally do NOT like drawing backgrounds or environments AT ALL and this instructor made learning this very informative and enjoyable.


Scott’s a really nice guy. His critique videos were always double the length of the videos in my other CGMA class because he goes for quite a while on certain aspects of my assignment and the perspective, which is what I wanted to hear. It was awesome getting feedback from him!


Robert was amazing, very personal and objective at the same time. He gave positive feedback which was inspirational but at the same time gave constructive feedback on how to improve. Would love to take some other course with him.


Robert was awesome—he took the time to answer my questions and do demonstrations in my assignment feedback.


Dmitry is one of the best instructors for perspective and his doubt clearing sessions are really great and so much effective.


Simplified a lot of complex ideas so they were easy to understand and apply, and also helped me with more shortcuts in photoshop that can speed up my process. I had great feedback for my assignments that helped me push more story into my work.


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