Compelling visuals for strong stories

Course Format
Skills Level
Lecture Type
The more you know, the better.
Overview of the course | Introduction of the teacher | General notion of visual narrative | The power and importance of good narrative | The designing principle/story | Analysis of several art pieces aimed at their narrative focus
Over view of the fundamental visual tools: Composition, posing of characters, value, light, and color | Different types of illustrations and their constrains on narrative | Basic concept of how to use the fundamentals to tell a story | Deep dive in the use of Composition and value for narrative | Analysis of narrative use of composition and value of several art pieces
Deep dive in the use of Composition as narrative tool. Part2 | Deep dive in the use of Value as narrative tool | Analysis of several pieces analyzing the narrative use of Composition and Value | Deep dive in the use of Color and light as narrative tools
The importance of references use in your work | The suggestive and inspirational power of characters | The fundamentals of character design as narrative tools: Anatomy, proportions, gesture, visual weight, volumes and shapes, balance etc
The use of props and costumes as narrative elements for characters | Character Archetypes | Character design Art Demonstration
Symbolism as narrative tool | Mood as narrative tool | Analysis the use of symbolism and moods as narrative tools in several art pieces
Artistic Styles as narrative tool | Rendering: The use of detail or lack of it to guide the eye | Your unique way to express as an artist | Contrast, Edges | Explaning the concept of defining "The Moment" | Art demonstration of the process of creating an illustration from start to finish
A look back to all your tools from your narrative toolbox | Art demonstration of the process of creating an illustration from start to finish focusing on the narrative choices

Real heroes don't wear capes - they teach
Instructor's Gallery

Take your CGMA learning further with CGMA+, a companion add-on featuring
over 70 new, stand-alone workshops—more than 250 hours of content you
won’t find in your core CGMA program. You’ll learn from multiple
instructors, each with a unique style, so you can see how different
artists approach the same subject in various ways. This additional
material builds on what you’re already studying, broadening your
perspective and helping you look at topics from fresh angles. It’s a
straightforward way to strengthen your studies and boost your skills.

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